OPEX Fitness

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Melissa Pruett is an Onsite Coaching Client here in Scottsdale, coached by Head Coach Michael Bann. Her priorities are to get stronger but primarily pure aesthetics based training.

We have focused an immense amount of time on repairing thyroid conditions through CNS and gut healing protocols. She’s dropped a few % body fat and started rebuilding strength due to this. Now to manage CNS levels we are using a high-low type method of training 4x/week, hence the use for chains to help keep CNS intensity down but still get good training in, while also building strength to help build resiliency.

A) Front Squat
EMOM 10 Minutes w/ chains x2 @ moderate load

115 on bar and chains on first link



B1) Band Suspended Bench:
@30×1; cluster; 3.3.3 x 4; rest 60 seconds

65 for first 3 sets with 18# kb’s. Failed in final rep of third set so went to 55 for last set

B2) Rope Climb:
5 reps AFAP x4 sets; rest 3:00- as fast as possible

Did these as fast as possible but they get hard so fast

C) 20 Minutes @ 80%:
500 meter row
20 goblet walking lunges 53# KB
10 Ring Push Ups

4 rounds, push-ups to blue mat focusing on perfect technique