OPEX Fitness

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Arvind has been training to create stability in his core and generally for all movements with me as his coach, as here is doing sets of the Sorensen hold on the GH machine. He has been largely focused on flexibility previously, which allowed for him to feel good in some movement. What we have done in working together is create strength and stability instead of layering on more flexibility, which was an original solution for him alleviating pain in some movement, though it hasn’t been a viable long-term solution recently. I find that this concept of what worked previously no longer working, where an individual can benefit from a new perspective on their training, is a common thread for my athletes.

Arvind is coached by OPEX HQ Head Coach James Taylor.

10 min AD MAP10

A) Deadlift:
w/ straps- barefoot- start moderate- quiet to floor @ 21X0; 4-6×4; rest 3:30 

205/5 225/4, 235/4, 245/4

B) Mixed core:
5 sets- pace for time per set:
12 cal row
30 sec Sorenson hold
5-10 sec HS hold
8 m bear crawl- bb clamp on low back
rest 2 min



3:30, 3:29, 3:41, 3:40, 3:26