OPEX Fitness

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The Business of Fitness Coaching



“What is the help that you need? Why are you not the best person to do that? And who can you get to help you who will benefit you specifically? You have to bring in somebody who can tangibly benefit the needs that you have.” Jim Crowell

Hiring doesn’t have to be complicated. The only question you need to answer is what do you need to grow and develop your business today.  What is holding your growth back? Once you discover the answer, hire the individual who will fill in what’s needed.

However, new gym owners who are just struggling to stay financially afloat may not be able to bring someone in full time. If that’s your case, start by hiring someone part-time to help with a variety of projects and learn on the job. As the develop more skills, they will be better able to help you and worth their full time salary on your team.

Learn more about the practices of hiring by applying for the OPEX Gyms program today.