OPEX Fitness

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I once taught a group of fitness instructors for 4 hours on spinal stability in functional fitness. It was 2001, a cold Calgary night in the Talisman Centre. All i had in my “show” was a swiss ball, a mat, and a blood pressure cuff. Just 3 years earlier I was spit out of a kinesiology degree knowing everything, or so I thought, about the strength and conditioning game.

Then I was punched in the face with reality of working with REAL people!

I began my search that day. What I found on that search were healers, doctors, coaches, and experts in their respective fields. And, do you know what I did? I listened and followed every one of them. I ended up doing a LOT of coach to coach and coach to client instruction on this new movement that was hitting the air waves in fitness. And, yes, I meant airwaves. There were no such thing as podcasts at the time!

This new “movement” was termed Functional Fitness.