
I am Attila Körtvélyessy, former artillery and fire support officer in the Hungarian Defence Force, by the one and only rapid reaction and air assault unit; currently co-owner and head coach in Fitness Dionysos in Wormeldange, Luxembourg.

WHAT LANGUAGES DO YOU SPEAK? English, German, Hungarian

WHY ARE YOU A FITNESS COACH? Fitness is a journey, which only those can experience who take adequate time to understand themselves - I wish to share this journey with people who feel ready and who feel something is missing in their life; one of the most elevating feelings is to take a look around in our gym and see people knowing what they do and why they are doing it.

HOW HAS CCP SHAPED YOUR COACHING PRACTICE? CCP is a great sum up and clarification of what I have already believed in; also, the Professional (formerly Business) module gave me a huge push as an entrepreneur in the right direction on the top of Army experiences.

WHAT IS YOUR ULTIMATE TRAINING SESSION? Ski-Erg, possibly with 10k PLUS distance - sustained.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NOURISHING MEAL? Green leafy veggies with cashews, paprika filled with swiss cheese, and homemade beef jerky on the side.

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE HOBBIES OUTSIDE OF THE GYM? Reading, a lot. Walking and hiking moderately. Always planning something new.