OPEX Fitness

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Tennil’s AM Session is an upper body strength day with strongman and strict muscle up work as she prepares her body and mind for the 2018 CrossFit Regionals.

A) Strict Muscle-Up:
Play 10-15 min – PERFECT reps LETS REALLY work on your pull up to the rings with intent and then transition FAST over the top!

B) Back Squat:
10,1,10,1; rest 3-5 min – TOUGH singles!

C) Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Up:
MAX in 10-12 min

D) @high effort:
7 rounds for time – EACH piece MUST be done unbroken
3 ring MU
6 FR axle bar lunges – 125#
9 CTB chin ups
20m FW – 88#/h

E) Cool down AB 10-15 min : – after 5 min complete 5 pallof press/side – tough!


Tennil’s afternoon session is a work capacity session.

A) @high effort:
Run 400m on tru form
8 Dball over shoulder – 100#
Run 400m on tru form
25 GH sit ups
Run 400m on tru form
8 Dball over shoulder – 100#
Run 400m on tru form
25 GH sit ups
Run 400m on tru form
8 Dball over shoulder – 100#
Run 400m on tru form
25 GH sit ups

Does each of your training sessions have a clearly designed purpose and intent? If not, you won’t be able to live up to your full athletic potential. Click below to schedule a consult with one of our coaches and prepare for your biggest moments.

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