Coach Matt Springer gives some of his thoughts on the 17. 2 workout:
1. It is impressive to witness athletes make this battery of gymnastics work metabolic
2. Each fraction knocks away 3-10 seconds; it adds up; mid-level-and-above folks need to consider not fractioning lunges while taking one quick break on power cleans
3. If you’re resting longer than 15-seconds on BMU, you need to do less repetitions per set…
4. But unfortunately, doing triples for BMU won’t get you into the 6th round
5. 80% underpaced while 20% overpaced; if you’re a mid-range competitor sub-3:15 through 2 rounds is likely too hot to be productive for stamina
6. To get better at BMU you need to do them stand-alone outside of a workout, when you’re not fatigued
7. Do 200ft of weighted dumbbell lunges and talk to me about your glute activation drills; this movement needs to be a staple in training for structural balance…
8. The same cannot be said about DB power cleans; glorified jumping bicep curls
9. Coming soon to a gym near you: CTB, HSPU, DU, WB, thrusters & Tng barbells. still worried about your 1RMs?
10. Over/under on seeing ring muscle-ups still?
11. 30 bar muscle-ups for time = 17.2?
12. Don’t ask me about going unbroken on toes to bar
Head Coach Mike Lee gives some of his thoughts on the 17.2 workout:
1. Lunge position, hands, etc MATTER
2. Grip endurance
3. Making it metabolic – SOME actually made it metabolic who needed to keep breathing rate up to permit recovery between reps
4. Mechanical fatigue sets in making it more metabolic in nature for folks challnenged by positions and tight up top
5. Consistency wins in sets of TTB or bar MU, descending sets are good but key is to decrease rest between sets
6. To many breaks create opportunity to rest, 25’x2 for most is realistic with NO break.
7. 7/1 on clean with a break less than 10 sec before starting lunges
8. Tight set up, chalk in right location and box height key to NOT wasting energy.
Don’t forget to check out the live webinar at 9AM Est/6AM PST for a recap on the leaderboard and other thoughts for this workout!