Whether you are an athlete, a business owner, or somebody looking for health and fulfillment there becomes a time when you must go through discomfort.  That discomfort can come in many forms:

  1. Lifestyle change – Perhaps you decided to quit drinking or smoking or eating garbage foods.  Perhaps you decided to end a long term relationship because it wasn’t healthy for either party.  Perhaps you decided to change or quit your job.  While each example is different they can all signify a highly uncomfortable situation that you decided to put yourself into.

  1. Business change – Have you ever had to fire an employee that was challenging?  Have you ever had to create new jobs for new people in order to see your business grow?  Have you ever had to kill an entire business line just to put your time and energy into the right revenue streams?  All of these examples are highly challenging for a business owner and can be extremely uncomfortable.

  1. Training change – If you are like most CrossFitters you probably like training…you may like training more than you like breathing.  What if you were told that you needed to take a month off?  Have you met an athlete who only likes training strength even though they have no engine?  What if that person was told “no more lifting?”  You can see that both of those ideas would likely be very uncomfortable for the athletes in question.

  1. Physical change – whether it is a child going through puberty, a strong adult going through a strength loss in order to lean out, or a woman going through pregnancy physical change can be very demanding and uncomfortable for people.

What you may notice here is that all of these examples lead to bigger things.  They all have silver linings.  Regardless of whether you are speaking about going through a very difficult change in your business you have to be confident that you are making the change that is correct for your company and you have to know why it is the right change.  If you do not know why it is the right change then it isn’t the right time.  If you do know why it is the right change then it is the time to pull the trigger with a quality game plan and go for it.  It will be tough, people will question you, you may experience some early set backs but often times those uncomfortable changes lead to the biggest periods of progress for companies.  Do your homework, understand the risks and rewards for any situation, ask yourself “is this the best choice for me or my family or my business, and then “pull your pants up” and go for it.  Will it always work?  Of course it won’t.  That is when you learn from your mistakes and do it again when the time is right.

This picture signifies amazing opportunities for growth.  Go seize them!

[tabby title=”Function”]

Function 4/5/15

Rest Day

[tabby title=”Being”]

Being 4/5/15

Rest Day

[tabby title=”Will”]

Will 4/5/15



12 burpee bjo – 24″

10 alt DB snatch – 100#

Run 100m shuttle

10 alt DB snatch

Run 100m shuttle

10 alt DB snatch

12 burpee bjo – 24″



AD 30 sec @90% Aer effort

rest walk 30 sec

x 30

– resting 3 min every 10 sets

[tabby title=”She”]

She 4/5/15



20 alt DB snatch – 50#

15 toes to rings

10 burpees

15 toes to rings

20 alr DB snatch



AD 30 sec @90% Aer effort

rest walk 30 sec

x 20




