I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and during my studies I conducted research in the field of business analytics. Specifically I delved into the application of data analytics to streamline operations for an automotive parts manufacturer where my main objective was to improve efficiency in their production line. After examining a ranging dataset that encompassed various aspects, like production rates, downtime and quality metrics I made some fascinating discoveries. By proposing enhancements such as minimizing downtime, optimizing inventory management and improving equipment maintenance practices my objective was to achieve a 15% boost in efficiency compared to previous levels due to which my passion to pursue business analytics was further increased by my involvement and the experience I gained through this research.


Throughout my studies I excelled in courses focused on subjects like Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning (ML). I received grades of 8 and 10 in these courses. As part of my journey I immersed myself in coursework that covered essential areas such as data preprocessing, transformation techniques and a diverse range of machine learning algorithms. These included linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, random forests and neural networks. Armed with this knowledge foundation I developed the skills to tackle data challenges as well as nurture my enthusiasm for innovating within the realm of business analytics.


In my year of studies I actively participated in a group project titled "Driver Behavior Detection and Alert System." This particular project was tailored specifically for truck drivers who play a role in supply chain management where the main motive behind this project was to decrement the number of road accidents and in turn saving lives. We utilized cutting edge algorithms such as Haar cascading technique for object detection along with landmarking methods combined with CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) and YOLO (You Look Once) models. The system used real time video input to keep an eye on drivers and identify distractions such as yawning, closing their eyes using their phones, looking away from the road or even taking a sip from a bottle. Whenever any of these distractions were detected the system immediately issued alerts to help the driver maintain focus and avoid accidents.


During my AI and Machine Learning internship at Tequed Labs, I tackled the "Mobile Price Prediction" project where I focused on improving the overall stature of products and furthermore determining the prices of phones. Throughout this process I analyzed aspects such as the processor, battery, size, memory, camera, video capabilities and internet browsing to understand how they affect the price. This opportunity has played a role in developing my abilities, enhancing my skill set and fostering my enthusiasm for utilizing data to guide decision making.


After completing my degree in Computer Science Engineering I gained experience in handling and visualizing data using SQL while also building technical skills. Through coursework and projects, I mastered Python, MySQL, C, C++, and Java, proficiently analyzing data. However my goal is to enhance my skill set by pursuing a Masters degree, in Business Analytics that will improve my visualizing data, understanding statistics, creating models and integrating analytics into business operations skills.


Once I graduate my aim is to work for companies, like JPMorgan Chase, Amazon or Oracle as a data analyst. In this role I would be responsible for analyzing datasets, identifying patterns and making decisions to develop effective business strategies.


Looking ahead a decade, I envision myself as a senior data scientist or analytics manager in these companies. I aim to bring improvements by focusing my attention on data driven strategies in turn leading impactful projects. 


Adelphi University provides a program led by some innovative professors who can guide me towards achieving my academic goals as well perfecting me for professional life. Courses, like Database Management Systems and Advanced Business Analytics perfectly align with my aspiration to gain expertise in data management and application techniques. Professor Susan Lis' specialization in Database Management and Supply Chain Management resonates well with my interests in Information Sharing and Decision Making. I am enthusiastic about driving innovation-centered  data and taking the lead in new and important initiatives. Adelphi offers a curriculum delivered by faculty making it an ideal institution for me to pursue my academic aspirations.


What resonates with me is the university's commitment to community engagement, exemplified by "Adelphi Gives Back" This initiative's focus on community service, reflecting my values and aspiration to create lasting change. By participating my objective is to broaden my knowledge and comprehension while embracing the values upheld by the University. I strongly believe that meaningful involvement within the community will significantly enrich my growth.


Apart from my pursuits I have devoted myself to endeavors, including volunteering with an NGO named Marshall. Our primary aim was to raise awareness, about education and menstrual hygiene. This experience has provided me with opportunities to develop my leadership abilities and refine my communication skills effectively.





