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10 Minutes of Fitness: What is Mixed Modal?

In this weeks 10 Minutes of Fitness James FitzGerald and Micheal Pilhofer discuss James’ newest course, Mixed Modal. You can watch the full episode for yourself here.

A Culmination of James’ Knowledge

Mixed Modal is the culmination of James FitzGerald’s 25+ years of personal experience as a coach and athlete, in the sport of Functional Fitness. This course covers every aspect of Functional Fitness including the sport’s history, conditioning requirements, sport specific program design, and breakdown of the required skills. The sport’s most detailed coaching education to-date is delivered in four chapters:


The first chapter, Sport, is a comprehensive background on Functional Fitness competition and culture. The two main topics covered in Sport are Sport Development and Athletic Development. Sport Development outlines the structure of functional fitness as a whole while Athletic Development lays out the ideal development for a functional fitness athlete throughout a full lifecycle. Download Sport’s Athlete Development Infographic here.


The second chapter, Energy, is a detailed look at Functional Fitness’ biological effect on the athlete. The two major topics covered in the Energy module are Bioenergetics and the Multi-Limitation Fatigue Model. Bioenergetics covers Energy System Training and the core biological adaptations required for competitive functional fitness such as metabolic specificity and the power-time curve. The Multi-Limitation Fatigue Model covers seven different factors that influence an athlete’s performance including Respiration, Skill Acquisition, Psychology, Recovery, Muscles, Cardiac Output, and Thermoregulation.


The third chapter, Practice, focuses on how to assess, plan programs for, and fuel athletes. This chapter walks coaches through every aspect of working with competitive athletes. From natural anthropometrics, athlete-specific fueling, to planning all levels of competition and the nuances within. This chapter puts “pen to paper” and designs all aspects of an athlete’s training program (view a sample season from Mixed Modal here) based on the principles laid out in this module as well as the Energy module.


The fourth chapter of Mixed Modal, Skills, provides a detailed look at the skills within the sport. This chapter breaks the sports’ movements into four parts: aerobic implements, weightlifting, gymnastics, and sport-specific skills. Each of these parts explains the specific skills within it and how to coach each movement.

Mixed Modal is the culmination of James FitzGerald’s 20 years of personal experience as a coach and athlete, in the sport of Functional Fitness. This course was designed with both coaches and high-level athletes in mind. Improve your knowledge of the sport and learn what separates participants from athletes with Mixed Modal.