How to Use the 03 Framework to Streamline Your Training Sessions

When it comes to creating a training program for your client it can be easy to get lost in detailed long-term planning and periodizing, just to end up overlooking the basics of a daily program. Here are three tips to make sure your client’s daily training session is always focused on the goal.  

Three Tips for Better Daily Training Programs

Consider the Ordering of Your Exercises

The first tip is to order your exercises from the most complex to the most simple. Doing this will create a better response from the training as the exercises that require the most energy and motor units will be completed first. As an example, a back squat will come before a leg extension. 

The exercises that are included in a training session are determined by the client’s previous training experience. The best way to determine what the client should be training on a given day is through an assessment. Learn how to conduct assessment that will inform your training plans in this free coaching course.

Sample Training Day:

A) Back Squat @2121; 10-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 90 seconds 

B) Seated Cable Row @2121; 10-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 90 seconds 

C) Leg Extension  @2121; 10-12 reps x 3 sets rest 90 seconds

D) Plank; accumulate 3 minutes

Make Sure to Organize the Exercises

The second tip is to organize your exercises according to the strength continuum. The strength continuum is a classic way of using the power time curve to categorize exercises. The four areas of the strength continuum are absolute strength, strength speed, speed strength, and absolute speed.

To put this into practice, organize training sessions to begin with absolute speed working towards absolute strength. It is best to program in this way as absolute speed contractions will be less taxing on the nervous system and cause less mechanical fatigue than absolute strength contractions. 

Sample Training Day:

A) 50m Sprint x 3 rest 90 seconds (Absolute Speed)

B) Med Ball Slam; 5-8 reps x 3, rest 90 seconds (Speed Strength) 

C) Power Clean; 3-5 reps x 3 sets, rest 90 seconds (Strength Speed) 

D) Bench Press @21X1; 10-12 reps x 3, rest 2 minutes (Absolute Strength)

E) Plank; accumulate 3 minutes (Absolute Strength)

How Will You Orchestrate Each Exercise?

The third tip is to think about how you can use the reps, sets, and tempo of an exercise to reach the goal. (New to these terms? Get an in depth explanation in this blog.) 

To do this, reflect on what phase of training the client is currently in. Are they in an accumulation phase which will require higher volume, higher time under tension, and lower intensity? Or are they in an intensification phase which will require lower volume, lower time under tension, and higher intensity? 

Reps, sets, and tempo can be manipulated to get the appropriate dose-response from each exercise. For example, Back Squat @20X0; 1 rep x 5 sets, rest 3-5 minutes will provide a maximal contraction dose-response. In comparison, Back Squat @31X1; 6-8 reps x 3 sets, rest 2 minutes will provide a strength endurance dose-response.

The More Knowledge The Better

The last tip is the more knowledge you have the better. Whether it be more detailed information about the client’s goals, background, and capabilities, or new knowledge on energy system training and exercise progression, the more knowledge you have as a coach the more successful you will be.

Reading this blog shows that you are already seeking out what you don’t already know. Ans the good news is that we’ve made the search easier for you. Our free coaching course, The Professional Coaching Blueprint, is the perfect resource for coaches like you who are hungry to learn more. Sign up today and take the next step in your coaching career.




